Friday, October 29, 2021

I Don't Know What to Call This Post

 I should have punched him in the face.

It was college, my sophomore year, and I should have punched him in the face when I realized what was going on.  Never-mind that he was my favorite teacher up until that point. Never-mind I was in a state of shock. I was the metal head. I should have beat the crap out of him. I was drunk at the time when he kissed me and groped my genitals.

We went after him through the college board and administration. I never got the police involved. My one friend he also did it to broke down and asked if this is what it felt like to be raped. Only later I found out he had been doing it for YEARS from a friend who was an alumni from before.

He was an awesome teacher.  Amazing, really. He had three themes to his Western Civilization class and we applied those three themes to each lessoj. It made for a fascinating class.

I should have punched him.

In the end he was dismissed from the college and moved to be closer to his family.  We never involved the police. He was allowed to go on, and possibly continue doing it to other people.  I don't know.  Maybe he would be cowed by other people doing that but I doubt it. Once a predator always a predator.

I thought I had dealt with that but then the whole Penn State/Sandusky thing exploded.

I broke. I have my boss at the time to thank because she knew I was going through a mental thing.  She could have fired me because I couldn't function at work at all. 

Thing didn't get better until I was on my second set of head meds. (I will talk about what happened with the first ones another time.)

I alienated a few Penn State alumni with my outspokenness about how the Sandusky stuff was handled over the years. A lot of that, though, came from an internal place because I didn't truly stop HIM.

Any person he hurt after me, that's on my head, because I could have stopped him and didn't.

I am sorry but that's the way I feel about the situation. 

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