Monday, November 22, 2021


In regards to my friend who has cancer, normally I would run immediately to another friend of mine for how to respond to the current situation.

Problem is that friend has been dead from cancer for about four and one half years.

Mike was amazing. He was my GM for a long running D&D campaign.  We ended up fighting Demogorgon at the end of that campaign, and it involved turning our monk into a Titan to do MEGA DAMAGE to anything she punched. I played a dwarven wizard because no one plays a dwarven wizard in D&D.

Mike was amazing. He was the type of friend you said "I love you" to without it feeling weird. Since his passing I try (and admittedly sometimes fail) to say "I love you" not just to my family but my friends as well.

Mike was also known for playing two different characters in the LARP we played in. His second character and my character HATED each other, which was fun because after game we would joke around about what level of trust you needed to play characters who had that sort of relationship. There's a group of friends I have purely because 

I miss Mike every single day.

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