Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Star Wars

 I love West End Games' D6 Star Wars RPG. I will not deny this love may be irrational, but at the same time it is the best Star Wars RPG out there. The D20 version - there shouldn't be levels in a Star Wars RPG. As for the Fantasy Flight Games version, it is like reading sheep entrails to get used to those dice. It's idiotic.

However, D6 Star Wars is a product of its time. Being a character with ability in the Force is HARD. For munchkins too the game can be unbalanced as hell, but considering I prefer to play with people who are not "optimizing" but actually role-playing I don't run into that problem a lot.

Some of my earlier groups had such classic PCs: Justin Time, the ex-Imperial stormtrooper who wanted to whip the rest of the PCs into a fighting force against the Empire; Moser Neeley, a smuggler who was usually drunk (his ship had a fully stocked bar) who eventually admitted his ship was the brains of the outfit; the ewok with no neck; the Jawa Jedi; Captain Morgan, who often thought, much like Han Solo, that he was far more brilliant than he actually was. There was also Dah'Mien, who was basically a Force using Minotaur whose battle cry was, "I am eight foot five and the Force is with me!" (The player, when asked about character creation, showed off a slayer patch with a sword wielding Minotaur and said "That with a lightsaber.")

We even had a Gungan based on Paris Hilton, who had a protocol droid following her spritzing her with water to keep her moist. She adventures with a Sullustan ex-Reality Show Contestant.

I have run this game on and off since 1987 when it came out for Star Wars' 10th anniversary, and I am about to run it again.

Due to my one player's illness, we are putting the Vaesen game on hold until he is well enough to join us. In the meantime, we are going to be playing D6 Star Wars with the remaining 4 players. I have considered adding another player but I don't want to seem like I am replacing the sick player.

They are going to be smugglers. The one player wants to play an Ewok, which I love, because all games should have aliens like Ewoks, Jawas, and Gungans.

The plan right now is to combine 3 sourcebooks into one gigantic sandbox. The players with have their characters placed within moral quandaries. 

Hopefully it will be fun.

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