Saturday, October 16, 2021

Death in the Movies

 (For the record, I understand no one reads this blog.  That's OK because it lets me get my thoughts out in a public forum that is ironically more private than I would intend.  That's OK.)

One of my coworkers asked another coworker if he always watched movies with a lot of death and violence in them. I started interjecting suggestions until I realized people seem to die in a lot of things. (Unless it was a RomCom, which honestly I don't watch many of)

The first thing I thought of, which is a play and a movie about some horrible, plotting people, is The Lion in Winter.  No one actually dies in it, though there is plenty of plotting and knife drawing in the movie.

I tried going toe musical route, but it took a couple.  Godspell - someone dies. West Side Story - forget it.  Wait!  Brigadoon! - um, no, someone dies. Oklahoma - wait no. I had to get to the musical 1776 to find one where someone didn't die.

At least I didn't try Shakespearean tragedies. That would have went horribly.

So, if anyone ever reads this, even if it is horribly out of date when you are reading this, what are some non-RomComs where no one dies that you like?  I just realized one - Good Will Hunting. No one dies in that IIRC. 

I just - I want to see movies where people don't die.


  1. Challenge accepted.
    Spies Like Us, Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, Meatballs, Then Came You, Uncle Buck, The Great Outdoors, The Color of Money, Cocktail, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Days of Thunder, Groundhogs Day, Rat Race, Real Genius, Dodgeball, Grandma’s Boy, All of the Ocean movies, UHF, the National Treasure movies, The Night at the Museum movies, Road Trip, Coming to America, Without a Paddle, Jumanji, Jingle All the Way, Christmas with the Cranks, and all of the national lampoon movies except for the first. That’s what we have so far.

  2. Wait, there's no death in ANY of the Ocean movies? I never knew that. Heck, that would be one I figured would have one or two....


Ugly Cry Reading the Sandman (SPOILERS)

Hello.  It's been a while but sometimes I depserately need my voice here, other times not so much.  Things have been busy with my family...